
PMC has Integrated clinical care pathways such as Diabetes, Behavioral Health and Wellness. These pathways play an important role within our organization as they help manage patient care based on clinical practice guidelines. It is mission to improve the quality of care by reducing variation within our clinical teams.

Medicare Wellness
At PMC, we are reorganizing the way we provide the Medicare Wellness physicals. Medicare does not cover a physical (except for the initial Welcome to Medicare physical that has to be done within first 12 months on Medicare) but will cover a Medicare Wellness Screening Visit. As a patient you will still be able to see your provider for acute/chronic problems and exams.
Medicare Wellness screenings will be performed by our Wellness coordinator, yearly. They will guide you through the full range of preventive services offered to help keep you healthy and find problems areas early, when treatment is most effective.
It is always your choice to accept or decline any options presented to you. Again, it is not a visit to replace you seeing your provider, it is just a prevention based service that is free of charge to you as the patient. The visit is paid for 100% by Medicare yearly; however there are some labs and immunizations that are recommended but Medicare may not cover. Through this new program we hope to provide you with the resources you need to take advantage of what your insurance offers and help you feel more in charge of your health care.

Diabetic Self-Management Education & Support
PMC provides education and support to people with diabetes through or ADA accredited program. PMC offers a comprehensive Self-management education through personalized visits, both group and one-on-one. Our goal is to empower our patients with diabetes to achieve optimum health and quality of life.

Nutrition Pathway
The PMC Registered Dietitian Nutritionist works with people seeking to improve their lives by selecting and preparing delicious meals and snacks that meet their health goals. Whether the health goals are to manage heart disease, diabetes or another chronic disease, to manage a food intolerance or allergy, or simply to eat well, our nutrition therapy service helps individuals to create diet strategies that match their goals, lifestyle, food preferences, and budget.

At PMC, it is important to us to have wrap around services for our entire patient population. We have a part-time Dental Hygienist that is here 3 days a week. Our Dental hygienist is a primary care oral health professional who administers a range of oral health services including prophylaxis, sealants, fluoride treatments, oral cancer screenings and oral health education.

Behavioral Health
PMC is committed to pursuing excellence in patient care and treatment. A part of that treatment is using a “team approach” to caring for you as a whole person. Our behavioral health providers (BHP) work in conjunction with your primary care provider to ensure that we are assisting you in your treatment goals.
Common topics for treatment include:
• Sleep
• Coping with medical conditions
• Pain management
• Improving relationship with food
• Increasing healthy body movement
• Stress at work/school
• Coping with major stressors such as divorce, serious illness, financial stress, or aging
• Anxiety
• Toileting concerns
• Bullying
• Behavior at home/school
• Attention and concentration
• Caregiver stress
• Depression
• Suicidal Ideation
• Anger
• Grief/loss
• Substance Use
• Improving relationship with yourself/others
• Identifying community resources
• Healthy behavior change
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do you see?
• All patients who receive medical care at PMC.
• Children, Teens, Adults, Geriatrics
How much does it cost?
• Cost of your visits varies with health insurance provider and individual plans.
• If cost becomes a barrier to care ask us about treatment options.
How do I make an appointment?
• Call the clinic at 503-472-6161.
• Ask your provider to introduce you to a BHC when you are here to see your physician.
Is this therapy?
• Not exactly. Behavioral health appointments differ from traditional psychotherapy.
• We work as a part of your medical team and collaborate with your PCP.
• We see you in the medical clinic and exam rooms.
• Visits lasts only 25-30 minutes and occur once every 2-4 weeks.
• Focus of visits is on skill building, symptom management, diagnostic clarification and health engagement.
• We do not provide family, marital or court mandated drug or alcohol therapy/counseling.
Do you prescribe medication?
• No.
• We work closely with your provider around your medication questions.
• If needed, we can help you find specialty mental health care or psychiatry resources.