Patient Resources

If you have a life-threatening emergency, call 911. If you have an urgent problem during office hours, call the clinic to speak with an advice nurse. After hours, you can contact our on-call physician by calling 503-472-6161 to be automatically connected to our after hours answering service.
If you have a medical question, please call the clinic between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. Our staff is specially trained to answer your questions and to relay information between you and your provider. If we are unable to answer your call directly, we will make every attempt to return your call as soon as possible. You may also contact the clinic through Secure Messaging on the patient portal.
PMC is a multi-specialty group practice and the providers within each area (Internal Medicine, Family Medicine and Pediatrics) share coverage with each other on an alternating basis after-hours and on weekends. There is always a physician on-call who has access to your health information and can provide personalized care.
To request a copy of your medical records, please complete our medical release form (click link below).
Getting Access to Your PMC Patient Chart is Easy. During your check-in, our reception staff will ask for your email address. Be assured your email address will be treated with the same care and privacy given to your medical records. A message from Physicians Medical Center will be sent to your email address with an attached secure message. The secure message will provide you with your own Personal Identification Number (PIN). With your PIN you will be able to register your username and password that will allow you access to Your PMC Patient Chart.
- You will receive an email that will look like this… Physicians Medical Center – A secure message from your provider’s office (check spam folder if you can’t locate email)
- Open the link in the secure email.
- Read “Welcome” message and hit “next” at bottom of page.
- At “Welcome to Patient Portal” screen answer all questions. Then click “submit.” (Note: password requirements are 6 – 15 characters, alpha numeric, case sensitive)
- At “MessageCenter-Inbox” screen you will see your email with the PIN and instructions. Copy your PIN and click “Verify My Identity” located at the very top of the message page, which will take you to the next page to complete.
- At “Patient Verification” screen choose “I have a PIN for my own…” and click “Next.”
- At “Welcome to Patient Portal” screen verify the answers then click “Next.”
- At “Validate Identity” screen answer questions. For security purposes, all answers must match exactly what is in your patient chart. Click “Verify.”
- At “Verify Identity Complete” screen click “Please review and select your method of contact” and choose “secure messaging.” Then clink “Finished.”
To now access Your Patient Chart you will need to go to our log-on page here . This will take you to the portal where you will enter your username and password to access Your Patient Chart. If you need assistance please call us at (503) 472-6161
For prescription refills, please contact your pharmacy. Allow at least 48 hours for refills as your pharmacist may need to contact your provider for approval.
What is an advance directive? An advance directive explains the specific health care measures a person wants if he or she has a terminal illness or injury and is incapable of indicating whether to continue curative and life-sustaining treatment, or to remove life support systems.
The person must develop the advance directive while he or she is able to clearly and definitively express himself or herself verbally, in writing, or in sign language. It must express the person’s own free will regarding his or her health care, not the will of anyone else. It does not affect routine care for cleanliness and comfort. This care must be given whether or not there is an advance directive.
In Oregon, the Health Care Decisions Act (ORS 127.505 – 127.660 and ORS 127.995) allows an individual to preauthorize health care representatives to allow the natural dying process if he or she is medically confirmed to be in one of the conditions described in his or her health care instructions. This act does not authorize euthanasia, assisted suicide, or any overt action to end the person’s life.
Witnesses: Two adults, at least one of them not related to the person by blood or marriage nor entitled to any portion of the person’s estate, must witness or acknowledge the person signing the advance directive. The person’s attending physician, attorney-in-fact, and health care or residential staff may not serve as witnesses.
Health care instructions: These may either be general or relate to the four specific conditions outlined below. However, general instructions, such as the person never wishes to be placed on life support, may be too vague and not provide for a situation in which an accident or emergency requires that the person temporarily be placed on life support. Specific instructions about the person’s wishes in each of the four scenarios listed below are preferred. Some hospitals’ social workers or chaplains will provide instructions and forms for advance directives. The patient’s physician can determine whether any of these four conditions apply:
Close to death: Terminal illness in which death is imminent with or without treatment, and where life support will only postpone the moment of death. Permanently unconscious: Completely lacking an awareness of self and external environment, with no reasonable possibility of a return to a conscious state.
Advanced progressive illness: A progressive illness that will be fatal and is unlikely to improve. Extraordinary suffering: Illness or condition in which life support will not improve the person’s medical condition and would cause the person permanent and severe pain. Options
Health care representative: An advance directive can appoint someone who is at least 18 years old to make medical decisions for the person when that individual is not able to do so. Among the decisions this health care representative can make is whether to withhold or remove life support, food, or hydration. The health care representative and an alternate must sign the document, accepting their appointment. The patient should appoint a health care representative that he or she trusts completely. A patient can voluntarily revoke his or her appointment of a health care representative at any time. A general Durable Power of Attorney, which is for financial affairs, does not include authority to make health care decisions.
Special instructions and conditions: These can be inserted into the health care plan or included for the health care representative as long as they do not deal with the distribution of property.
Duration and changes: The advance directive can be designated in effect for a limited period of time. If not, it is in effect until the person revokes it in writing, or dies. A person can cross out words or add words to his or her advance directive to make it better express his or her wishes.
Please bring your health insurance card to each visit. We will bill your insurance company for the cost of your visit and any additional services such as laboratory and radiology. When you check in for your visit, please inform the receptionist of any changes in your address, contact preferences and insurance coverage.
Medical insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. Payment for our services is the responsibility of the patient. If you have difficulty paying for your care, please contact our Accounts Manager in the Business Office to arrange a payment plan.